Fines and Sentences for growing cannabis in the UK

We just thought it might be interesting to have a blog to share experiences with the Law regarding cannabis.

Approximately 2 million people smoke cannabis in the UK on a regular basis and over 50% of 16-29 year olds have tried it at least once. We would rather the law was on our side with this issue but unfortunately it is not. Our opinion is that it should be a matter of one's own judgement rather than criminal charges.
Please share your experience with getting caught growing or using cannabis. It doesn't matter how big or how small the crime was as this will help people worried about the law.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Taken from THC Talk

Hi all,

I thought i'd make this thread so we can see what the supposed "courts" of our land are dishing out for percy growers like us.

keep any reports pretty recent if you can please folks, lets try and keep it current- to the last yr or so, as growing canna is coming so much more prolific, and as more people get busted, hopefully the "seriousness" ahem. of the crime and the punishment decreases.

I`ll open this happy thread from our local paper this week.

a Guy gets stopped for a traffic offence (alledged dodgy exhaust..)and is found with some SEEDS and a GRINDER. thus he gets nicked and his house searched. they find 4 plants and some percy cocaine.
4 plants+ prcy cocaine-sentence at court= £85.fine (+costs+victim charge)

not bad... not bad at all..

e2a.... carefull out there guys, the seeds and grinder alone was enuff for them to search his house!! neither of them are ilegal items..


  1. That is really useful, the last thing you would want is them W......S raiding your house!

  2. Well I had my day in crown court yesterday, I had 64 plants all a ft tall ( only been growing a few weeks) hydro set up and I got 2 yrs suspended for 2 yrs and ordered to pay prosecution costs of £250 think I got very lucky and im in leeds also got to go to a drr (drug rehab) for 9month think it depends on the judge on the day, think mine was in a good mood :-)

  3. Buy cannabis seeds by clicking on the link at


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